James Kovacevic

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Get Stuff Done: Utilizing a Workshop Approach to Educate, Decide and Plan

How a properly plan and utilized workshop can move your reliability program forward.

Business Strategic Planning Framework Diagram

Many organizations often struggle to move plans forward.  This may be due to the decision-making process and the people involved in the process.  Often times the various decision makers are scattered across the company and may be distracted by issues in the plant.   In other circumstances, the organization may know what the end goal is, but may not be aware of how to get there.

By properly developing and delivering a workshop with an experienced facilitator, […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:53-04:00January 9th, 2017|Business R&M Strategy, Change Management, Coaching, Effective Meetings, People|Comments Off on Get Stuff Done: Utilizing a Workshop Approach to Educate, Decide and Plan

Here’s to a New Year in Maintenance & Reliability

A look at how I plan to improve reliability in the coming year

As the new year has arrived,  many of the professionals in maintenance & reliability are finishing up shutdowns.  Shutdown planning and execution is a rigorous endeavor but is necessary to ensure the assets continue to deliver value.  The same goes in preparing for a new year.

Previously, strategy and planning have been discussed, and it is my hope that everyone has a plan to improve reliability and availability in the new year.  This planning is not something to take lightly as […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:53-04:00January 2nd, 2017|Business R&M Strategy|Comments Off on Here’s to a New Year in Maintenance & Reliability

Using Governance & Accountability To Improve

How to Drive Performance Improvements in your Organization

Oftentimes, plans and strategies are developed and implemented.  Many times the implementation is handed off and the team left on their own to implement.  And many of the times, the implementation fails or the results are not delivered.

Why is this?  It is because there is a lack of governance and accountability.  These are more than just words.  They are a system, process and a sense of ownership throughout the organization to ensure that the plan is implemented and any roadblocks are dealt with.

What is Governance?

Governance can be […]

Be Prepared: Have a Plan

Without a Plan, You’ll Never Get Where You Are Trying To Go

Image going for a vacation, but you don’t have a destination in mind, directions to the destination, or any funds allocated for the trip.  What kind of vacation will you have?  Chances are it won’t be a good one.

The importance of a plan cannot be understated.  Without a plan in any aspect of life, business or reliability, achieving goals are difficult, if not impossible.   Oftentimes organizations implement tactical activities, without a strategic plan.  This ad-hoc approach often results in certain […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:54-04:00December 19th, 2016|Asset Management, Business R&M Strategy, Key Performance Indicators|Comments Off on Be Prepared: Have a Plan

Assessing Your Storeroom

The first step to improving the spare parts and storeroom process

Assessment.jpgKnowing what the best practices are in a storeroom or spare parts management process is not enough.  The best practices need to implemented, and typically it can’t just be implemented right away.  The level of resources, the ability of people to change all prevents the immediate implementation.  In addition, not every organization will be at the same starting point or want to go to the same level of maturity.  This is where an assessment comes in.

An assessment is defined as “the […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:54-04:00December 12th, 2016|Spare Parts Management|Comments Off on Assessing Your Storeroom