
9 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Next Maintenance Conference

How to Ensure Your Attendance at A Conference Delivers An ROI

As the kids go back to school, maintenance, reliability, and asset management professional resume their professional learning.  This learning usually takes place at one of the numerous world-class conferences available across North America and internationally.  These conferences allow professionals to observe and connect with the latest tools, technology, and techniques in our amazing professional.

Sometimes it is difficult for the maintenance, reliability, and asset management professionals to get […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:27-04:00September 18th, 2017|Capability, Capability, Knowledge, People, Competency|Comments Off on 9 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Next Maintenance Conference

Using Simplified Technical English to Write Effective Maintenance Procedures

Reduce the Variability in Your Work Routines and Procedures

Based on our understanding of the six failure patterns, we can see that there is a large probability of failure when the equipment is first installed and started up.   One of the Englisch causes of this increase in probability is the fact that the equipment was not installed or maintained correctly.  This may be due to the installer or maintainer not using or following procedures.  Having procedures is the first step to reducing these failures, but the procedures must be written in a clear, […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:41-04:00March 20th, 2017|Adherence to Standards, Capability, Capability, Knowledge, People, Knowledge Management, Organizational Management, Performance Management, Standard Work, Work Instructions, Work Management, Work Planning, Work Quality|Comments Off on Using Simplified Technical English to Write Effective Maintenance Procedures

The Importance of a Learning Culture

Ensuring Performance and Long Term Sustainability of Your Maintenance & Reliability Program

Imagine working in an organization that does not provide training or has zero tolerance to taking a risk, trying something new and failing.   Or it is expected that you have all of the answers and do not need any assistance ever.   Sound familiar?  If it does, how is the performance of your plant?   Chances are it is not as good as it could be.   This example is great at illustrating what a learning culture does not look like.

“A learning culture […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:51-04:00January 30th, 2017|Capability, Capability, Knowledge, People, Change Management, Competency, Knowledge Management, Organizational Management, People, Succession Planning|Comments Off on The Importance of a Learning Culture

Professional Development & Growth

The key to growing your knowledge and career

qtq80-OjQuRsTo increase your knowledge, you need to learn new things, try new things and generally push outside of your comfort zone.   One of the key components of growing your knowledge is knowing what is new and happening in Maintenance, Reliability, and Asset Management.

I recently had the privilege to attend and present two papers at the Society  of Maintenance & Reliability Professional’s 2016 Annual Conference in Jacksonville.  This premier event was 5 days long.   The conference had 3 Days of workshops and […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:56-04:00October 24th, 2016|Business R&M Strategy, Capability, Capability, Knowledge, People, Competency, Knowledge Management|Comments Off on Professional Development & Growth