Succession Planning

The Importance of a Learning Culture

Ensuring Performance and Long Term Sustainability of Your Maintenance & Reliability Program

Imagine working in an organization that does not provide training or has zero tolerance to taking a risk, trying something new and failing.   Or it is expected that you have all of the answers and do not need any assistance ever.   Sound familiar?  If it does, how is the performance of your plant?   Chances are it is not as good as it could be.   This example is great at illustrating what a learning culture does not look like.

“A learning culture […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:51-04:00January 30th, 2017|Capability, Capability, Knowledge, People, Change Management, Competency, Knowledge Management, Organizational Management, People, Succession Planning|Comments Off on The Importance of a Learning Culture

Standards? We Don’t Need No Stinking Standards

How Your Organization Can Benefit from Standardization

qtq80-zXIPOWImagine if every day you had to relearn a process or use a different CMMS.  Chances are you would get virtually nothing accomplished, leaving your plant operating poorly.   Now we all know that we having to relearn a process every day or using a new CMMS is not practical nor is it rooted in reality (not to be confused with the Rooted in Reliability podcast).  But this type of thing happens more often than you may think.

When people change positions in an organization, the […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:57-04:00October 10th, 2016|Adherence to Standards, Data Standards, Knowledge Management, Standard Work, Succession Planning|Comments Off on Standards? We Don’t Need No Stinking Standards