Capability, Knowledge, People

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Professional Development & Growth

The key to growing your knowledge and career

qtq80-OjQuRsTo increase your knowledge, you need to learn new things, try new things and generally push outside of your comfort zone.   One of the key components of growing your knowledge is knowing what is new and happening in Maintenance, Reliability, and Asset Management.

I recently had the privilege to attend and present two papers at the Society  of Maintenance & Reliability Professional’s 2016 Annual Conference in Jacksonville.  This premier event was 5 days long.   The conference had 3 Days of workshops and […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:56-04:00October 24th, 2016|Business R&M Strategy, Capability, Capability, Knowledge, People, Competency, Knowledge Management|Comments Off on Professional Development & Growth

Standards? We Don’t Need No Stinking Standards

How Your Organization Can Benefit from Standardization

qtq80-zXIPOWImagine if every day you had to relearn a process or use a different CMMS.  Chances are you would get virtually nothing accomplished, leaving your plant operating poorly.   Now we all know that we having to relearn a process every day or using a new CMMS is not practical nor is it rooted in reality (not to be confused with the Rooted in Reliability podcast).  But this type of thing happens more often than you may think.

When people change positions in an organization, the […]

By |2019-04-19T15:49:57-04:00October 10th, 2016|Adherence to Standards, Data Standards, Knowledge Management, Standard Work, Succession Planning|Comments Off on Standards? We Don’t Need No Stinking Standards

Speaking the Same Maintenance & Reliability Language

The Importance of Understanding the Terms and Definitions of the Maintenance & Reliability Language

4759535950_7bca6684c8_zImagine being asked to discuss a breakdown during a production meeting.  Only you are not aware of a breakdown, but production is claiming there was one and it could have been prevented by some Preventative Maintenance.  You ask what equipment the breakdown was on and check the records.   The records show there was a minor corrective action on the equipment last night, but not a breakdown.

After some discussion, the production manager explains that there was a […]

By |2019-04-19T15:50:06-04:00February 1st, 2016|Capability, Knowledge, People, CMMS, Data Standards, Organizational Management, Teamwork|Comments Off on Speaking the Same Maintenance & Reliability Language

5 Reasons Why You Need to Be Using Procedure Based Maintenance

Using Procedure Based Maintenance to Improve the Performance of Your Operation

30. Procedures - Jeffery WongImagine an operation in which there are no lost time accidents, OEE is increasing and there is a plan to address the skills shortage. These sites do exist and chances are they using procedure based maintenance. Procedure Based Maintenance is simply having all maintenance activities documented in a procedure. The procedures are followed step by step when conducting breakdown, corrective and preventative maintenance.

Benefits of Procedure Based Maintenance

Procedure Based Maintenance reduces the variation that occurs […]

By |2018-01-24T04:54:10-05:00October 5th, 2015|Advanced Work Planning, Knowledge Management, Standard Work, Work Management|Comments Off on 5 Reasons Why You Need to Be Using Procedure Based Maintenance