There are 3 primary types of maintenance strategies utilized;

  • Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
  • Time-Based Maintenance (TBM)
  • Run to Fail (RTF)

The strategy utilized depends on heavily upon the nature of the failure.  Meaning does it wear out with age or is a random failure independent of time?  Condition based maintenance is acceptable for the random failures, while Time based maintenance works for wearing out type failures.  Lastly Run to Failure is acceptable when there are no significant consequences in the event of a failure.

Determining the frequency of the maintenance activities can seem overwhelming.  If you have lots of failure data, you can use a statistical analysis.  If, however, you don t have any failure data, the method for selecting the interval varies on the type of maintenance;

  • Condition Based Maintenance is half of the P-F interval
  • Time-Based Maintenance uses the safe life minus a safety factor

You that you can always find out more on Run to Fail (RTF), Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) or Time Based Maintenance (TBM) or aligning your strategy with the business at and by following our blog.  The Rooted In Reliability podcast is a proud member of the reliability.FM network.

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The post 03 Understanding the Various Maintenance Strategies appeared first on Accendo Reliability.