

160 Transition on the road to Asset Management with Susan Lubell

Transition on the road to Asset Management with Susan Lubell

Asset management means to get the best value from your assets in a collaborative way. It helps you manage your assets safely and in a cost-effective manner. The organizations need to understand the risks involved in introducing unsafe practices into the field. These unhealthy practices can put the lives of your engineers at risk and cost you heavily in terms of asset damage and equipment repairs. Asset management is a journey and even though your organization might already be doing asset management, there s always room to improve.

By |June 4th, 2019|Comments Off on 160 Transition on the road to Asset Management with Susan Lubell

159 Maintenance Metrics with Stuart Fergusson

Maintenance Metrics with Stuart Fergusson

Maintenance metrics is a very important part of a maintenance and reliability program because you can t improve what you can t measure. Performance measurement is necessary to derive those improvements that will help you carry out your maintenance activities the best way possible. It is a cycle that can be divided into three steps. First you have to enable you team members, then you have to train them, and in the end you have to measure their performance on a consistent basis using some standard KIPs. It is repetitive process and you have to perform […]

By |May 28th, 2019|Comments Off on 159 Maintenance Metrics with Stuart Fergusson

158 LORA with Lucas Marino

Level Of Repair Analysis with Lucas Marino

Most of the organizations in the maintenance and reliability industry have limited resources and they want to make the best use of what they have got. If the maintenance requirements of an organizations don t match its resources, it is always going to result into an increased cost and decreased employee performance. The type of maintenance that an asset required throughout its life cycle needs to be performed in a balanced way. That s why it is so important to have a maintenance philosophy when you are planning the life cycle cost of an […]

By |May 21st, 2019|Comments Off on 158 LORA with Lucas Marino

157 PdM in RCM R with Jesus Sifonte

PdM in RCM R with Jesus Sifonte

Condition monitoring is time-based solution to mitigating and preventing failures and it is a huge part of RCM or RCM R. RCM R is the advanced, updated version of RCM that entails predictive maintenance as the main technique to perform condition-based monitoring to improve asset performance. The reason that RCM and PDM fit together perfectly is because reliability can never be complete without having some sort of predictive maintenance method in place. Condition monitoring is the perfect tool for that. It also incorporates vibration analysis, oil analysis, and the use of infrared from time […]

By |May 14th, 2019|Comments Off on 157 PdM in RCM R with Jesus Sifonte

156 Manufacturing Analytics with Bryan Sapot

Manufacturing Analytics with Bryan Sapot

Data is the single important thing whether it s quality data, failure data or any other kind of data that helps you make decisions in the best interest if your assets and the organization. You may have set data points but those don t mean anything unless you know what you are looking for. When you take unstructured data, analyze it, and then turn it into meaningful information to improve manufacturing, it can be called manufacturing analytics. You can use it to make your reliability processes better or you can use it for performance measurement for […]

By |May 7th, 2019|Comments Off on 156 Manufacturing Analytics with Bryan Sapot